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Uno de los principales objetivos del WMBC es aumentar la cantidad de personas dentro y fuera de nuestra comunidad para recorrer nuestros senderos locales. Sabemos que cuanta más gente recorra nuestros senderos, más beneficios verá nuestra economía local. Como patrocinador corporativo, ayudaremos a dar visibilidad a su negocio a un grupo de entusiastas de las actividades al aire libre que crece de forma masiva.
Join the Trail Adoption Plan and give back to the community by helping keep our trails in shape.
As a corporate sponsor, we will help give your business visibility to a massively growing group of outdoor enthusiasts on physical trail signs, our website, and our social media. It also allows businesses to get their teams outside on the trails together in a fun and productive way for team building. Our local businesses continue to create a better year-round trail experience on Galbraith Mountain. You can choose to provide monetary support for the upkeep of your sponsored trail or your business can maintain the trail yourselves.
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